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Civil Engineering

Marine Fueling Facilities - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to the design of marine applications of petroleum fueling facilities. Design of marine fuel receiving and dispensing facilities for the purpose of receiving fuel and/or loading fuel aboard ships, barges and boats for …


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Sludge Handling, Treatment and Disposal - 5 PDH

This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for handling, treating and disposing of sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants. You will learn about sludge pumping, thickening, conditioning, dewatering, digestion, storage and final …


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Low Impact Development - 5 PDH

This course will introduce you to some of the basic concepts of Low Impact Development (LID) …. a stormwater management strategy concerned with maintaining or restoring the natural hydrologic functions of a site to achieve natural resource protection …


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Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste - 3 PDH

There is a significant amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste developed due to construction activities and structure demolition, for example, at some installations, construction and demolition waste accounts for up to 80 percent of the solid …


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Dam Arch Construction - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to the construction of concrete arch dams. The design and analysis of any dam assumes that the construction will provide a suitable foundation and uniform quality of concrete. The design also depends on the construction to …


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Chemical Cleaning and Industrial Water Systems - 2 PDH

This course will introduce you to methods for cleaning industrial water systems with chemicals. You will learn about pre-operational cleaning which is performed to prepare water-contacted metal surfaces to receive chemical treatment to provide protection …


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Deep Foundations - 3 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to deep foundations. A deep foundation derives its support from competent strata at significant depths below the surface or, alternatively, has a depth to diameter ratio greater than 4. A deep foundation …


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Cathodic Protection Maintenance - 3 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to the methods, equipment and practices for inspection and maintenance of cathodic protection systems. Both galvanic (sacrificial anode) and impressed current systems are discussed.


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Preliminary Wastewater Treatment - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for preliminary treatment of wastewater. You will be introduced to descriptions, functions and design considerations for bar screens, comminuting devices, grit chambers, proportional weirs, …


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Architectural Design: Fire Stations - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to the principles of architectural planning and design. Because architectural design is largely a subjective process, the “casebook” approach is used to illustrate it. In this instance, the architectural design of fire …


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Structural Aluminum Performance-Based Design - 4 PDH

The core concept discussed in this document presents a broad overview of Performance-Based Structural Aluminum design employing various aluminum grades and aluminum alloys.


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Flow Measurements in Pipes and Ducts - 3 PDH

This course is about measurement of the flow rate of a fluid flowing under pressure in a closed conduit. The closed conduit is often circular, but also may be square or rectangular (such as a heating duct) or any other shape. The other major category of …


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Fuel Cells Green Power - 3 PDH

Fuel cells are not just laboratory curiosities. While there is much work that needs to be done to optimize the fuel cell system (remember, the gasoline internal combustion engine is nearly 120 years old and still being improved), hydrogen fuel cell …


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Domestic Wastewater Treatment: EPA Overview - 3 PDH

The 1972 legislation known as the Clean Water Act set secondary treatment as the required level of treatment to be provided by domestic wastewater treatment plants in the United States. In this course you can learn about the basic processes used in …


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Hydraulic Jumps and Non-Uniform Open Channel Flow - 2 PDH

Many examples of open channel flow can be approximated as uniform flow allowing the Manning equation to be used. Non-uniform flow calculations are needed, however, in some open channel flow situations, where the flow is clearly non-uniform. The concepts …


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Basics of Passive Solar Heating - 4 PDH

The principles of passive solar heating, such as basic types of systems, their description, and the components making up any passive system are presented in this course. Sources of data for heating requirements and available solar radiation throughout the …


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Biofuels Basics - 3 PDH

Biofuels is one of the Administration’s near-term strategies to address energy security and climate change. In his 2006 State of the Union Address, President Bush declared that America “is addicted to oil” and rolled out the Advanced Energy Initiative …


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Sharp-Crested Weirs: Open Channel Flow Measurement - 2 PDH

A weir is basically an obstruction in an open channel flow path. Weirs are commonly used for measurement of open channel flow rate. A weir functions by causing water to rise above the obstruction in order to flow over it. The height of water above the …


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Uniform Open Channel Flow and The Manning Equation -2 PDH

Flow of a liquid may take place either as open channel flow or pressure flow. Pressure flow takes place in a closed conduit such as a pipe, and pressure is the primary driving force for the flow. For open channel flow, on the other hand the flowing liquid …


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Valve Fundamentals - 4 PDH

Valves are widely used in fluid piping systems to shut off or throttle flow, as well as to prevent backflow, reduce pressure or relieve pressure. This course provides information about the basic components of a valve and their function. There is also …


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$99 Unlimited PDH Subscription (1 Year)

Take all the courses you need with our $99 Unlimited PDH Subscription! 365 Days access to all of our PDH courses allows you to to do as little or as much PDH Credit as you choose!


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Stream Restoration - 7 PDH

A natural stream channel remains stable over a wide range of flows, typically accumulating sediment during low flow periods and carrying sediment downstream during high flow periods. Changes to the channel, vegetation, floodplain, flow or sediment supply …


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