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Civil Engineering

Dam Arch Foundation Investigation - 3 PDH

Foundation investigations for arch dams generally must be accomplished in more exacting detail than for other dam types because of the critical relationship of the dam to its foundation and to its abutments. This course discusses the procedures which are …


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Incinerator Emissions and Permitting - 3 PDH

This course describes and quantifies whenever possible the air pollution particulate emissions which are the direct result of the incineration process. The incineration process consists of burning solid, semisolid, liquid, or gaseous waste to produce …


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Air Quality Boiler Plants - 5 PDH

This publication provides an introduction to air quality control and monitoring equipment for fuel fired plants such as steam boiler plants. Included are discussions of chemical, cooling and sump pumps, nitrogen and carbon dioxide systems, ash handling, …


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Soil Stabilization Construction Procedures - 3 PDH

This is an introduction to the factors to consider in inspecting and repairing steel bridges. This course will help you to address a variety of bridge inspection situations that may be encountered. This course provides an introduction to construction …


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Engineering Properties of Soil and Rock - 5 PDH

This course will introduce you to the engineering properties of soil and rock. You will learn how the properties of compaction, permeability, consolidation-swell, shear strength, stress-strain modulus (modulus of elasticity), and Poisson’s ratio are …


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Steam Generators - 3 PDH

This course addresses the design requirements for gas, oil, coal, and waste fuel fired steam generating, water-tube boilers and components with steam capacities between 20,000 and 250,000 pph and maximum pressures of 450 pounds per inch gauge …


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Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement - 5 PDH

This course will tell you about hot-mix asphalt often used for high-performance pavements. The degree of performance required should be selected based on traffic conditions and the availability of satisfactory materials.


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Soil Stabilization for Pavements - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to accepted methods for stabilizing soils underlying new pavements to improve strength and durability. You will also learn about methods to achieve better soil gradation, and reduction of plasticity index or swelling …


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Tropical Engineering: Building Envelope - 3 PDH

This publication provides an introduction to design of building envelopes in tropical climates where heat and humidity are important considerations. Discussed are roofing, wall materials, windows, doors, finishes and miscellaneous specialties.


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Foundations on Fill and Backfilling - 3 PDH

Foundations may be constructed on fills and backfilled material. Fills may include conventional compacted fills; hydraulic fills; and uncontrolled fills of soils or industrial and domestic wastes, such as ashes, slag, chemical wastes, building rubble, and …


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Gas Distribution - 3 PDH

This course contains instructions and engineering information relating to gas distribution pipe systems, including pressure regulators, valves, meters, and other necessary appurtenances, for the distribution of fuel gas, natural and manufactured, from the …


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Sanitary Landfills - 3 PDH

This is an introduction to the planning and design of sanitary landfills. You will learn about dry and wet landfills, site selection, site development plans, site layout, trench design, leachate control and treatment, gas control, runoff control, support …


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How To Become Registered as an Architectural Engineer - 3 PDH

Engineers who have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) registration examination (formerly called the Engineer-in-Training….EIT exam) or both the FE and the Principles and Practices of Engineering (PE) registration examination in another discipline …


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Spread Footings And Mat Foundations - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to the design of spread footings and mat foundations for buildings and other structures such as towers. When required footings cover more than half the area beneath a structure, it is often desirable to enlarge and …


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Adsorption Technologies Operation Theory- 3 PDH

This course discusses practical guidance for the design of liquid and vapor phase devices for the adsorption of organic chemicals. The adsorptive media addressed include granular activated carbon (GAC) and other alternative adsorption carbon media, such …


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OSHA: Fatalities from Improper Work Practices - 4 PDH

This course is based on case studies taken from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “Fatal Facts” —descriptions of accidents in which one or more workers died because of improper work practices. Reading and thinking about these case …


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FHWA Bridge Inspection Fundamentals - 6 PDH

The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is a comprehensive manual on programs, procedures, and techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service highway bridges. BIRM serves as the basis of a …


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FHWA Bridge Inspection Reporting - 5 PDH

The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is a comprehensive manual on programs, procedures, and techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service highway bridges. BIRM serves as the basis of a …


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Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry - 5 PDH

In the construction industry, asbestos is found in installed products such as sprayed-on fireproofing, pipe insulation, floor tiles, cement pipe and sheet, roofing felts and shingles, ceiling tiles, fire-resistant drywall, drywall joint compounds, and …


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Building in Coastal Areas - 5 PDH

The design and construction of residential buildings in coastal zones presents problems not usually found in more inland locations. For example, all elements of the building must be able to withstand the large forces associated with high wind speeds and …


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OSHA: Construction, Demolition & Cleanup Safety Issues - 6 PDH

Construction, demolition, and cleanup projects are inherently hazardous. Accident rates in these industries are accordingly higher than in other industries. OSHA’s mission is to reduce these accident rates through safety rules and regulations. This course …


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Methods for Cleaning Contaminated Soils - 4 PDH

EPA uses many methods to clean up pollution at Superfund and other sites. This course presents various EPA-approved methods for cleaning contaminated soils. For each method, the course describes 1) how the method works, 2) how safe it is, 3) how long it …


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Thank you for your quick response.  I can take unlimited courses for up to one year?  That means I can apply some of the courses for this year’s  deadline, and take additional courses after that toward my next period deadline!
I chose your company because of the price, and I'm certainly happy with that!  I am thankful that there is Continuing Education that is so affordable.  Thanks for responding!
I already finished about 80 Hours and passed all the quizzes. Highly Appreciated!
Our PDH is currently accepted in: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MA, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY