Civil Engineering
Secondary Wastewater Treatment - 5 PDH
Wastewater treatment is usually characterized as consisting of four sequential processes: preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for secondary treatment of wastewater. You will be …
Biofuels Basics - 3 PDH
Biofuels is one of the Administration’s near-term strategies to address energy security and climate change. In his 2006 State of the Union Address, President Bush declared that America “is addicted to oil” and rolled out the Advanced Energy Initiative …
Hydraulic Design of Sewers - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to the principles of hydraulic design of sanitary sewers. You will learn how to calculate quantities of wastewater, the approach to design of gravity and depressed sewers, required pumping capacity, hydrogen sulfide gas …
Asphalt Concrete Pavement Recycling - 3 PDH
This publication contains guidance for preparing plans and specifications and for ensuring the quality of recycled bituminous concrete. In addition, this publication provides useful information to design engineers, laboratory personnel, and inspectors …
Area Drainage Systems - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to normal requirements for design of surface and subsurface drainage systems for residential, commercial, institutional and industrial areas.
Architectural Design: Libraries - 3 PDH
Architectural Design: Libraries PDH will introduce you to the principles of architectural planning and design. Because architectural design is largely a subjective process, the "casebook" approach is used to illustrate it. In this instance, the …
Cathodic Concepts - 3 PDH
This course provides the basic concepts of cathodic protection, together with important criteria and precautions to be observed. Corrosion of metals is a result of electrochemical reactions. An electrochemical reaction is a chemical reaction accompanied …
Water Supply Systems - 5 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to maintenance inspections and general maintenance services required at domestic water supply systems. It contains information about tools and equipment, lubricants, and materials and supplies required to perform …
Passive Solar Buildings - 3 PDH
This course is an introduction to passive solar technology to heat buildings. It will tell you about the basic passive systems and climate considerations you need to know about. You will gain knowledge about guidelines for schematic design of passive …
FHWA Bridge Inspection Reporting - 5 PDH
The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is a comprehensive manual on programs, procedures, and techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service highway bridges. BIRM serves as the basis of a …
Bearing Capacity Analysis - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to methods for analysis of soils and rock to determine load bearing capacity. Stresses transmitted by a foundation to underlying soils must not cause bearing-capacity failure or excessive foundation settlement. The design …
Rock Mass Characterization - 3 PDH
This course provides guidance in the description and engineering classification of intact rock and rock masses, the types, applications and analyses of rock property tests, the evaluation of intact rock and rock mass properties, and the selection of …
Stream Restoration - 7 PDH
A natural stream channel remains stable over a wide range of flows, typically accumulating sediment during low flow periods and carrying sediment downstream during high flow periods. Changes to the channel, vegetation, floodplain, flow or sediment supply …
Tropical Engineering: Mechanical, Electrical, Miscellaneous - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to special considerations in design of plumbing, HVAC, electrical distribution and miscellaneous features and systems in tropical climates where high humidity, heat, heavy rain and seafront conditions are common.
Geophysical Exploration Magnetic Subsurface - 9 PDH
This course provides an introduction to magnetic and subsurface methods for geophysical exploration. An overview of the spectrum of geophysical exploration methods is provided followed by more detailed discussions of magnetic and subsurface methods. …
Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plants - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. In a conventional (plug-flow) activated sludge plant, the primary-treated wastewater and acclimated micro-organisms (activated sludge or biomass) are aerated in a basin …
Pavement Design in Seasonal Frost Conditions - 5 PDH
This publication presents criteria and procedures for the design and construction of pavements placed on subgrade or base course materials subject to seasonal frost action. The most prevalent modes of distress in pavements and their causes are listed. The …
Makeup Water Industrial Water - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to makeup water for Industrial water systems. Many installations use fresh water and, often, potable water. Makeup water, often referred to as “makeup,” is fresh water that is added to an industrial water system to …
Sharp-Crested Weirs: Open Channel Flow Measurement - 2 PDH
A weir is basically an obstruction in an open channel flow path. Weirs are commonly used for measurement of open channel flow rate. A weir functions by causing water to rise above the obstruction in order to flow over it. The height of water above the …
Building Design Specifications and Tools - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to the most important resource available to engineers and architects engaged in the design of buildings and related infrastructure. It represents the collective knowledge of thousands of engineers and architects acquired …
Laboratory Testing of Soils - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to the principles and practices of laboratory testing of soils. You will learn about index property, permeability, consolidation, and shear strength tests. You will be introduced to dynamic testing methods, and tests on …
Drainage Pipe Strength, Cover, and Bedding - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to drainage pipe strength, cover and bedding. A drainage pipe is defined as a structure (other than a bridge) to convey water through a trench or under a fill or some other obstruction. Materials for permanent-type …
Levees Seepage Slope Settlement - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to methods for controlling seepage and settlement in the construction of levees, and to generally acceptable guidelines for levee slopes. Without control, underseepage in pervious foundations beneath levees may result in (a) …
Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry - 5 PDH
In the construction industry, asbestos is found in installed products such as sprayed-on fireproofing, pipe insulation, floor tiles, cement pipe and sheet, roofing felts and shingles, ceiling tiles, fire-resistant drywall, drywall joint compounds, and …
Central Heating Plant Planning - 3 PDH
This publication contains data and information as criteria to guide the planning of steam and high temperature water (HTW) central and individual heating plants. Engineering and economic considerations are identified to guide siting decisions, fuel …
Cathodic Protection Inspection Testing - 5 PDH
This discussion includes criteria and inspection actions that, when used either separately or in combination, will indicate whether adequate cathodic protection of a metallic piping system has been achieved. The effectiveness of cathodic protection or …
Water Systems Pumps and Drivers - 3 PDH
This course covers the operation of pumps used in water supply systems. It also covers the motors, engines, and accessories (together called pump drivers) that provide the mechanical source of energy to pumps. Velocity pumps and positive-displacement …
Advanced Wastewater Treatment - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to advanced wastewater treatment processes that provide higher quality wastewater discharge than achievable with primary and secondary treatment alone. You will learn innovative sewage handling techniques such as polishing …
Flexible Pavement Design - 3 PDH
This is an introduction to flexible pavement design. It is a basic treatment that will introduce designers to some important principles and terminology. In simple applications on real projects the information provided will give designers a good start in …
Concrete Pavements - 7 PDH
This course provides information on the materials and construction procedures for portland cement concrete pavements. It describes the constituents to be used in concrete, the procedures to be used in manufacturing concrete, and the equipment and …
Hydroelectric Power Plant Structures - 3 PDH
The course discusses location, configuration and design considerations for hydroelectric powerhouses. The factors affecting the location include: Location of the spillway (when powerhouse is located adjacent to the dam). Location of navigation locks (on …
Uniform Open Channel Flow and The Manning Equation -2 PDH
Flow of a liquid may take place either as open channel flow or pressure flow. Pressure flow takes place in a closed conduit such as a pipe, and pressure is the primary driving force for the flow. For open channel flow, on the other hand the flowing liquid …
Water Supply Systems Operation and Maintenance - 3 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to maintenance inspections and general maintenance services required at domestic water supply systems. It contains information about tools and equipment, lubricants, and materials and supplies required to perform …
Steel Bridge Maintenance - 3 PDH
This course discusses steel bridge maintenance and repair. Preventive maintenance of steel bridge components consists mainly of measures to protect the steel from corrosion. When deicing salt is added to the electrolyte, there is a dramatic increase in …
Field Explorations for Foundations - 3 PDH
Field explorations of existing soil and rock conditions are essential before undertaking design of foundations for buildings and structures. This course introduces you to investigational programs for surface examination including documentary evidence, …
Retaining Walls And Excavation Support Systems - 3 PDH
Retaining walls must be designed so that foundation pressures do not exceed allowable bearing pressures, wall settlements are tolerable, safety factors against sliding and overturning are adequate, and the wall possesses adequate structural strength. …
Marine Fueling Facilities - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to the design of marine applications of petroleum fueling facilities. Design of marine fuel receiving and dispensing facilities for the purpose of receiving fuel and/or loading fuel aboard ships, barges and boats for …
Sludge Handling, Treatment and Disposal - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for handling, treating and disposing of sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants. You will learn about sludge pumping, thickening, conditioning, dewatering, digestion, storage and final …
Building in Coastal Areas - 5 PDH
The design and construction of residential buildings in coastal zones presents problems not usually found in more inland locations. For example, all elements of the building must be able to withstand the large forces associated with high wind speeds and …
Low Impact Development - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to some of the basic concepts of Low Impact Development (LID) …. a stormwater management strategy concerned with maintaining or restoring the natural hydrologic functions of a site to achieve natural resource protection …
Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste - 3 PDH
There is a significant amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste developed due to construction activities and structure demolition, for example, at some installations, construction and demolition waste accounts for up to 80 percent of the solid …
Dam Arch Construction - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to the construction of concrete arch dams. The design and analysis of any dam assumes that the construction will provide a suitable foundation and uniform quality of concrete. The design also depends on the construction to …
Chemical Cleaning and Industrial Water Systems - 2 PDH
This course will introduce you to methods for cleaning industrial water systems with chemicals. You will learn about pre-operational cleaning which is performed to prepare water-contacted metal surfaces to receive chemical treatment to provide protection …
Deep Foundations - 3 PDH
This course will provide you with an introduction to deep foundations. A deep foundation derives its support from competent strata at significant depths below the surface or, alternatively, has a depth to diameter ratio greater than 4. A deep foundation …
Cathodic Protection Maintenance - 3 PDH
This course will provide you with an introduction to the methods, equipment and practices for inspection and maintenance of cathodic protection systems. Both galvanic (sacrificial anode) and impressed current systems are discussed.
Preliminary Wastewater Treatment - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for preliminary treatment of wastewater. You will be introduced to descriptions, functions and design considerations for bar screens, comminuting devices, grit chambers, proportional weirs, …
Architectural Design: Fire Stations - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to the principles of architectural planning and design. Because architectural design is largely a subjective process, the “casebook” approach is used to illustrate it. In this instance, the architectural design of fire …
Flow Measurements in Pipes and Ducts - 3 PDH
This course is about measurement of the flow rate of a fluid flowing under pressure in a closed conduit. The closed conduit is often circular, but also may be square or rectangular (such as a heating duct) or any other shape. The other major category of …