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Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry - 5 PDH

In the construction industry, asbestos is found in installed products such as sprayed-on fireproofing, pipe insulation, floor tiles, cement pipe and sheet, roofing felts and shingles, ceiling tiles, fire-resistant drywall, drywall joint compounds, and …


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Building in Coastal Areas - 5 PDH

The design and construction of residential buildings in coastal zones presents problems not usually found in more inland locations. For example, all elements of the building must be able to withstand the large forces associated with high wind speeds and …


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Engineering Ethics Case Study: The Challenger Disaster - 3 PDH

This course provides instruction in engineering ethics through a case study of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. The course begins by presenting the minimum technical details needed to understand the physical cause of the Shuttle failure. The …


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Ethics in Professional Practice - 2 PDH

Many engineering organizations have drafted codes of ethics to which their members are required to commit. Generally, these codes are quite similar and are based on a few fundamental principles which provide guidance to professional engineers in common …


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Ethics, Professionalism, and Disciplinary Actions: 1 PDH

The ten case studies given below are taken from actual disciplinary-action documents of a state licensing board for professional engineers and other related professionals. Even though the cases come from a single state board, they are intended to be …


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FHWA Bridge Inspection Fundamentals - 6 PDH

The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is a comprehensive manual on programs, procedures, and techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service highway bridges. BIRM serves as the basis of a …


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FHWA Bridge Inspection Reporting - 5 PDH

The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is a comprehensive manual on programs, procedures, and techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service highway bridges. BIRM serves as the basis of a …


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Methods for Cleaning Contaminated Soils - 4 PDH

EPA uses many methods to clean up pollution at Superfund and other sites. This course presents various EPA-approved methods for cleaning contaminated soils. For each method, the course describes 1) how the method works, 2) how safe it is, 3) how long it …


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OSHA: Construction, Demolition & Cleanup Safety Issues - 6 PDH

Construction, demolition, and cleanup projects are inherently hazardous. Accident rates in these industries are accordingly higher than in other industries. OSHA’s mission is to reduce these accident rates through safety rules and regulations. This course …


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OSHA: Fatalities from Improper Work Practices - 4 PDH

This course is based on case studies taken from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “Fatal Facts” —descriptions of accidents in which one or more workers died because of improper work practices. Reading and thinking about these case …


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