Environmental Engineering
Asbestos Standard for the Construction Industry - 5 PDH
In the construction industry, asbestos is found in installed products such as sprayed-on fireproofing, pipe insulation, floor tiles, cement pipe and sheet, roofing felts and shingles, ceiling tiles, fire-resistant drywall, drywall joint compounds, and …
OSHA: Fatalities from Improper Work Practices - 4 PDH
This course is based on case studies taken from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “Fatal Facts” —descriptions of accidents in which one or more workers died because of improper work practices. Reading and thinking about these case …
Methods for Cleaning Contaminated Soils - 4 PDH
EPA uses many methods to clean up pollution at Superfund and other sites. This course presents various EPA-approved methods for cleaning contaminated soils. For each method, the course describes 1) how the method works, 2) how safe it is, 3) how long it …
OSHA: Construction, Demolition & Cleanup Safety Issues - 6 PDH
Construction, demolition, and cleanup projects are inherently hazardous. Accident rates in these industries are accordingly higher than in other industries. OSHA’s mission is to reduce these accident rates through safety rules and regulations. This course …
Treated Water Storage - 4 PDH
This course provides an introduction to design criteria for treated water storage requirements at facilities, gives typical design analyses for elevated tanks, standpipes, and reservoirs, and provides guidance on the procedures to be followed in selecting …
Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste - 3 PDH
There is a significant amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste developed due to construction activities and structure demolition, for example, at some installations, construction and demolition waste accounts for up to 80 percent of the solid …
Adsorption Technologies Operation Theory- 3 PDH
This course discusses practical guidance for the design of liquid and vapor phase devices for the adsorption of organic chemicals. The adsorptive media addressed include granular activated carbon (GAC) and other alternative adsorption carbon media, such …
Petroleum Atmospheric Tanks - 5 PDH
This course provides guidance for the design of atmospheric storage tanks for storage of petroleum fuels. Underground and aboveground tanks in both horizontal and vertical configuration are discussed.
Preliminary Wastewater Treatment - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for preliminary treatment of wastewater. You will be introduced to descriptions, functions and design considerations for bar screens, comminuting devices, grit chambers, proportional weirs, …
Stormwater Drainage and Site Development - 3 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to stormwater drainage systems and improvements for land development projects, and strategies and considerations in site development.
Situ Treatment of Hazardous Soil - 3PDH
This discussion course discussions methods and technologies for treatment of contaminated soil in situ (without substantive excavation of the soil).
Water Desalination - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to water desalination technologies, processes and methods. You will learn the importance of site and water source selection. You will be introduced to an approach for selecting the appropriate desalination technology and …
Petroleum Pipelines - 3 PDH
This discussion provides guidance for the design of pipelines. Pipelines are typically either interterminal pipelines which are cross country and connect installations, or installation pipelines which connect petroleum-oil-lubricants (POL) facilities …
Primary Wastewater Treatment - 3 PDH
Wastewater treatment is usually characterized as consisting of four sequential processes: preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for primary treatment of wastewater. You will be …
Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Plants - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. In a conventional (plug-flow) activated sludge plant, the primary-treated wastewater and acclimated micro-organisms (activated sludge or biomass) are aerated in a basin …
Trickling Filter Wastewater Treatment Plants - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to trickling filter wastewater treatment plants. Trickling filter plants have been justified by their low initial cost, low operating and maintenance costs, and relative simplicity of operation. Although the effluent …
Adsorptions Applications Limitations - 3 PDH
This course provides practical guidance for the design of liquid and vapor phase devices for the adsorption of organic chemicals. The adsorptive media addressed include granular activated carbon (GAC) and other alternative adsorption carbon media, such as …
Water Treatment - 5 PDH
This course will provide an introduction to water treatment processes and technology. You will be introduced to factors to consider in selecting water treatment processes, preliminary treatment, aeration, coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation …
Central Heating Plant Planning - 3 PDH
This publication contains data and information as criteria to guide the planning of steam and high temperature water (HTW) central and individual heating plants. Engineering and economic considerations are identified to guide siting decisions, fuel …
Treatment Boiler Water - 5 PDH
This course provides an introduction to the treatment of steam boiler water to prevent buildup of harmful chemicals that can cause harmful corrosion, sludge buildup and other conditions that reduce the efficiency and service life of a boiler and its …
Sanitary Landfills - 3 PDH
This is an introduction to the planning and design of sanitary landfills. You will learn about dry and wet landfills, site selection, site development plans, site layout, trench design, leachate control and treatment, gas control, runoff control, support …
Field Explorations for Foundations - 3 PDH
Field explorations of existing soil and rock conditions are essential before undertaking design of foundations for buildings and structures. This course introduces you to investigational programs for surface examination including documentary evidence, …
Air Quality Boiler Plants - 5 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to air quality control and monitoring equipment for fuel fired plants such as steam boiler plants. Included are discussions of chemical, cooling and sump pumps, nitrogen and carbon dioxide systems, ash handling, …
Microbiological Corrosion Control - 3 PDH
This course discusses microbiological and corrosion control in cooling water systems. Microbiological organisms are composed of three classes: algae, bacteria, and fungus. Large biological organisms such as clams, snails, mussels, or similar species are …
Seepage and Drainage - 7 PDH
This course covers surface erosion, and analysis of flow quantity and groundwater pressures associated with underseepage. Requirements are given for methods of drainage and pressure relief. Control of soil erosion must be considered in all new …
How To Become Registered as an Architectural Engineer - 3 PDH
Engineers who have passed the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) registration examination (formerly called the Engineer-in-Training….EIT exam) or both the FE and the Principles and Practices of Engineering (PE) registration examination in another discipline …
Water Sampling Testing - 3 PDH
Water sampling and testing procedures provide information that can be used for the following purposes: to ensure the protection of the water system equipment; to prevent unexpected system failure; to provide information used to control water quality; and …
Secondary Wastewater Treatment - 5 PDH
Wastewater treatment is usually characterized as consisting of four sequential processes: preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for secondary treatment of wastewater. You will be …
Incinerator Emissions and Permitting - 3 PDH
This course describes and quantifies whenever possible the air pollution particulate emissions which are the direct result of the incineration process. The incineration process consists of burning solid, semisolid, liquid, or gaseous waste to produce …
Cooling Tower Water Treatment - 3 PDH
Cooling water systems remove heat generated from a variety of industrial processes. There are three basic types of cooling water systems: once-through, open recirculating, and closed recirculating cooling water systems. This publication describes water …
Geophysical Exploration Magnetic Subsurface - 9 PDH
This course provides an introduction to magnetic and subsurface methods for geophysical exploration. An overview of the spectrum of geophysical exploration methods is provided followed by more detailed discussions of magnetic and subsurface methods. …
Solar Energy System Fundamentals - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to solar energy system fundamentals. A solar thermal energy collection system (or "solar system" for short) is defined as a set of equipment that intercepts incident solar radiation and stores it as useful thermal …
Hydraulic Design of Sewers - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to the principles of hydraulic design of sanitary sewers. You will learn how to calculate quantities of wastewater, the approach to design of gravity and depressed sewers, required pumping capacity, hydrogen sulfide gas …
Landfill Gas Systems - 3 PDH
This course discusses the need for an operation and maintenance (O&M) plan for a landfill gas collection system that addresses the following: extraction wells; LFG monitoring probes; condensate collection and treatment; and flare station. A site-specific …
Sludge Handling, Treatment and Disposal - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for handling, treating and disposing of sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants. You will learn about sludge pumping, thickening, conditioning, dewatering, digestion, storage and final …
Makeup Water Industrial Water - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to makeup water for Industrial water systems. Many installations use fresh water and, often, potable water. Makeup water, often referred to as “makeup,” is fresh water that is added to an industrial water system to …
Industrial Makeup Water - 3 PDH
This course discusses makeup water for industrial water systems. Industrial water systems usually use fresh water and, often, potable water. Makeup water, often referred to as “makeup,” is fresh water that is added to an industrial water system to replace …
Asphalt Concrete Pavement Recycling - 3 PDH
This publication contains guidance for preparing plans and specifications and for ensuring the quality of recycled bituminous concrete. In addition, this publication provides useful information to design engineers, laboratory personnel, and inspectors …
Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement - 5 PDH
This course will tell you about hot-mix asphalt often used for high-performance pavements. The degree of performance required should be selected based on traffic conditions and the availability of satisfactory materials.
Small Flow Waste Treatment Systems - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to small flow waste treatment systems such as septic tanks, waterless toilets, filtration and reuse systems, Imhoff tanks, and packaged treatment plants. You will learn about subsurface absorption and how to conduct …
Advanced Wastewater Treatment - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to advanced wastewater treatment processes that provide higher quality wastewater discharge than achievable with primary and secondary treatment alone. You will learn innovative sewage handling techniques such as polishing …
Marine Fueling Facilities - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to the design of marine applications of petroleum fueling facilities. Design of marine fuel receiving and dispensing facilities for the purpose of receiving fuel and/or loading fuel aboard ships, barges and boats for …
Water Supply Systems - 5 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to maintenance inspections and general maintenance services required at domestic water supply systems. It contains information about tools and equipment, lubricants, and materials and supplies required to perform …
Biofuels Basics - 3 PDH
Biofuels is one of the Administration’s near-term strategies to address energy security and climate change. In his 2006 State of the Union Address, President Bush declared that America “is addicted to oil” and rolled out the Advanced Energy Initiative …
Hydraulic Design of Storm Sewers with Excel - 4 PDH
Storm sewers are widely used to carry away runoff from storms, primarily in urban areas. The hydraulic design begins after the locations for the manholes for the system have been determined. Between each pair of manholes the storm sewer will have a …
Domestic Wastewater Treatment: EPA Overview - 3 PDH
The 1972 legislation known as the Clean Water Act set secondary treatment as the required level of treatment to be provided by domestic wastewater treatment plants in the United States. In this course you can learn about the basic processes used in …
Fuel Cells Green Power - 3 PDH
Fuel cells are not just laboratory curiosities. While there is much work that needs to be done to optimize the fuel cell system (remember, the gasoline internal combustion engine is nearly 120 years old and still being improved), hydrogen fuel cell …
Stream Restoration - 7 PDH
A natural stream channel remains stable over a wide range of flows, typically accumulating sediment during low flow periods and carrying sediment downstream during high flow periods. Changes to the channel, vegetation, floodplain, flow or sediment supply …