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Industrial Makeup Water - 3 PDH

This course discusses makeup water for industrial water systems. Industrial water systems usually use fresh water and, often, potable water. Makeup water, often referred to as “makeup,” is fresh water that is added to an industrial water system to replace water lost by blowdown, evaporation, wind drift, leaks, steam, humidification, or withdrawal from these systems.
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Industrial Makeup Water - 3 PDH Engineering Continuing Education PDH

Price: No additional charge

Manufacturer: Guyer

Course Introduction
This course provides introductory information about sources and treatment of makeup water for industrial water systems such as those serving cooling towers.

Course Summary
This course will give you professional tools that will help you to understand the function of makeup water for industrial water systems and its sources and treatment.

Course Description
This course discusses makeup water for industrial water systems. Industrial water systems usually use fresh water and, often, potable water. Makeup water, often referred to as “makeup,” is fresh water that is added to an industrial water system to replace water lost by blowdown, evaporation, wind drift, leaks, steam, humidification, or withdrawal from these systems. The usual source of makeup water is the potable water supply. This source is water that has been conditioned and is usually of a very uniform quality from day to day. Other sources of makeup water could include groundwater obtained from shallow or deep wells, or surface water from streams or holding ponds. These sources are not treated to the extent that the potable water source is treated. Still another source is reuse water (i.e., water that is “used” and reclaimed and not rated as potable).

Course Outline

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course you will:
• Learn about sources of makeup water;
• Learn about treatment and criteria for treatment of makeup water;
• Learn the special requirements for makeup water for high-temperature hot water systems;
• Learn about measurement of makeup water rates;
• Learn about external makeup water treatment methods;
• Learn about aeration and filtration methods; and
• Learn how to employ cartridge and bag filtration methods..

Intended Audience

This course is intended for mechanical, civil and environmental engineers and other design and construction professionals wanting an introduction to industrial makeup water sources and treatment.

Benefit for Attendee
This course will give mechanical, environmental and civil engineers and others information about the requirements for treating industrial makeup water supplies to meet regulatory and best practices requirements.


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Wow, an email from a real person and not a pre-written response.  That is very refreshing.  I will be sure to recommend this site to others in my field!
Thank you for your quick response.  I can take unlimited courses for up to one year?  That means I can apply some of the courses for this year’s  deadline, and take additional courses after that toward my next period deadline!
I already finished about 80 Hours and passed all the quizzes. Highly Appreciated!
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