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A High Value Compilation of Safety Moments - 3.5 PDH

The course equips participants with the knowledge to identify potential risks, foster a culture of safety, and implement preventive measures to protect personnel, equipment, and the community.


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Assessment of Design Criteria and Best Practices for a Resilient Tomorrow - 15 PDH

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the design criteria and best practices essential for improving community resilience in the face of natural hazards.


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Designing Fire & EMS Stations A Comprehensive Guide - 11 PDH

This course dives into the critical aspects of designing fire and EMS stations that prioritize safety, health, and operational efficiency. From station layout and site selection to ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.


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Earthquake Resilience Benefit-Cost Analysis for Building Design and Retrofit - 2 PDH

This course is ideal for engineers, architects, building owners, policymakers, and disaster preparedness professionals interested in improving the earthquake resilience of buildings.


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Effects of Weathering on the Properties of Vinyl Siding - 4 PDH

This course equips building professionals with the knowledge to optimize the longevity and safety of exterior building materials.


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America Burning Design Strategies for Fire Prevention - 15 PDH

This course empowers professionals to integrate prevention design strategies, enhance public awareness, and adopt innovative practices for reducing fire incidents and losses.


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OSHA: Construction, Demolition & Cleanup Safety Issues - 6 PDH

Construction, demolition, and cleanup projects are inherently hazardous. Accident rates in these industries are accordingly higher than in other industries. OSHA’s mission is to reduce these accident rates through safety rules and regulations. This course …


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OSHA: Fatalities from Improper Work Practices - 4 PDH

This course is based on case studies taken from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “Fatal Facts” —descriptions of accidents in which one or more workers died because of improper work practices. Reading and thinking about these case …


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Retaining Walls And Excavation Support Systems - 3 PDH

Retaining walls must be designed so that foundation pressures do not exceed allowable bearing pressures, wall settlements are tolerable, safety factors against sliding and overturning are adequate, and the wall possesses adequate structural strength. …


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Petroleum Facilities General - 3 PDH

This course provides general information about petroleum products as a basis for the design of bulk fuel storage facilities, including bulk storage tanks and those components normally located within a typical bulk storage compound. These components …


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Tropical Engineering: Building Envelope - 3 PDH

This publication provides an introduction to design of building envelopes in tropical climates where heat and humidity are important considerations. Discussed are roofing, wall materials, windows, doors, finishes and miscellaneous specialties.


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Waste Treatment Carbon Adsorption Applications - 3 PDH

This course discusses waste treatment using, primarily, activated carbon. Both liquid and vapor phase adsorption are discussed. Adsorption technologies may be applicable to treatment of both sanitary and industrial waste streams.


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Design of Solar Water Heating Systems - 3 PDH

This course presents the information required to design a solar energy water heating system, after planning and system selection have been completed.


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Energy Efficient HVAC Controls - 3 PDH

This course covers automatic temperature and humidity controls, space pressurization controls, safety controls, and energy monitoring and central supervisory control systems for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The control system …


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Ethical Issues in Design-Build - 3 PDH

The widespread growth of “design-build” presents ethical issues for engineers and architects. If these issues are not addressed it is likely public reaction to abuses the process invites will result in the loss of design-build as a construction delivery …


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Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements - 3 PDH

Procedures and criteria described here are applicable to the design and construction of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavement (RCCP). Roller-compacted concrete pavement employs a concrete paving technology that involves laydown and compaction of a …


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Water Sampling Testing - 3 PDH

Water sampling and testing procedures provide information that can be used for the following purposes: to ensure the protection of the water system equipment; to prevent unexpected system failure; to provide information used to control water quality; and …


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Cathodic Concepts - 3 PDH

This course provides the basic concepts of cathodic protection, together with important criteria and precautions to be observed. Corrosion of metals is a result of electrochemical reactions. An electrochemical reaction is a chemical reaction accompanied …


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Distribution of Stresses in Soil - 3 PDH

This course covers the analysis of stress conditions at a point, stresses beneath structures and embankments, and empirical methods for estimating loads on buried pipes, conduits, shafts, and tunnels.


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Settlement and Volume Expansion in Soils -5 PDH

This course concerns (a) immediate settlements, (b) long-term settlements, (c) rate of settlement, (d) criteria for tolerable settlement, (e) methods of reducing or accelerating settlements for saturated fine-grained soils and (f) methods for controlling …


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Petroleum Pipelines - 3 PDH

This discussion provides guidance for the design of pipelines. Pipelines are typically either interterminal pipelines which are cross country and connect installations, or installation pipelines which connect petroleum-oil-lubricants (POL) facilities …


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Tropical Engineering Concrete, Wood, Metals - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to the application of concrete, wood and metal materials and products in construction for tropical climates where humidity, weather and seafront locations are considerations. Concrete materials, reinforcement, …


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Water Cooling Towers - 3 PDH

Cooling water systems remove heat generated from a variety of industrial processes. There are three basic types of cooling water systems: once-through, open recirculating, and closed recirculating cooling water systems. This course describes once-through …


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Earthwork for Foundations - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to earthwork for foundations. In general, excavation for subsurface structures will consist of open excavation and shaft and tunnel excavation. Where excavation to great depths is required, a variety of soils and rock …


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Fire Suppression ITM - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to best practices for inspection, testing and maintenance of fire detection, alarm and suppression systems to assure reliable and effective operation in emergency situations. You will be introduced to the principles of …


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Implementing Design-Build in the Public Sector - 5 PDH

Public works project managers are under great pressure to award construction contracts using a loosely defined process called “design-build.” There are benefits that can be realized using design-build as a construction delivery process, but there are …


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Spread Footings And Mat Foundations - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to the design of spread footings and mat foundations for buildings and other structures such as towers. When required footings cover more than half the area beneath a structure, it is often desirable to enlarge and …


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Lightning Static Electricity Protection - 3 PDH

This publication provides technical guidance and design requirements for static electricity protection, and lightning protection systems and related grounding for facilities and other structures. The information provided here may be utilized by electrical …


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Cathodic Protection Inspection Testing - 5 PDH

This discussion includes criteria and inspection actions that, when used either separately or in combination, will indicate whether adequate cathodic protection of a metallic piping system has been achieved. The effectiveness of cathodic protection or …


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Hydraulic Design of Culverts - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to a nomographic approach to hydraulic design of culverts. Culverts are hydraulic structures intended to convey, generally, stormwater and other unanticipated flows in and around earth and other structures such as highways, …


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Solar Energy System Fundamentals - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to solar energy system fundamentals. A solar thermal energy collection system (or "solar system" for short) is defined as a set of equipment that intercepts incident solar radiation and stores it as useful thermal …


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Sacrificial Anode Cathodic - 3 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to the methods, equipment and practices for design and operation of sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems.


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Tropical Engineering: Mechanical, Electrical, Miscellaneous - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to special considerations in design of plumbing, HVAC, electrical distribution and miscellaneous features and systems in tropical climates where high humidity, heat, heavy rain and seafront conditions are common.


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Foundations on Fill and Backfilling - 3 PDH

Foundations may be constructed on fills and backfilled material. Fills may include conventional compacted fills; hydraulic fills; and uncontrolled fills of soils or industrial and domestic wastes, such as ashes, slag, chemical wastes, building rubble, and …


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Impressed Current Cathodic - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to impressed current cathodic protection systems. There are two principle methods of providing cathodic protection: sacrificial anode and impressed current. The primary advantage of impressed current cathodic …


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Interior Lighting Design - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to principles of lighting design for building interiors. The concepts and considerations of visibility, glare, uniformity and illuminance will be explained and discussed. You will learn about lighting controls and their …


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Drainage Pipe Strength, Cover, and Bedding - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to drainage pipe strength, cover and bedding. A drainage pipe is defined as a structure (other than a bridge) to convey water through a trench or under a fill or some other obstruction. Materials for permanent-type …


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Geometrics for Roads and Streets - 3 PDH

This courses discusses the geometric design criteria for roads and streets. It sets forth the approaches and traffic flow criteria for guidance in determining types and configurations best suited for construction.


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Cathodic Protection Maintenance - 3 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to the methods, equipment and practices for inspection and maintenance of cathodic protection systems. Both galvanic (sacrificial anode) and impressed current systems are discussed.


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Incinerator Emissions and Permitting - 3 PDH

This course describes and quantifies whenever possible the air pollution particulate emissions which are the direct result of the incineration process. The incineration process consists of burning solid, semisolid, liquid, or gaseous waste to produce …


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Steam Generators - 3 PDH

This course addresses the design requirements for gas, oil, coal, and waste fuel fired steam generating, water-tube boilers and components with steam capacities between 20,000 and 250,000 pph and maximum pressures of 450 pounds per inch gauge …


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Security Fences - 3 PDH

This course applies to all construction, renovation, and repair projects including temporary construction that includes security fencing and gates. Security fences and gates are installed and used primarily to define the perimeter of protected areas, such …


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Air Quality Boiler Plants - 5 PDH

This publication provides an introduction to air quality control and monitoring equipment for fuel fired plants such as steam boiler plants. Included are discussions of chemical, cooling and sump pumps, nitrogen and carbon dioxide systems, ash handling, …


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Water Systems Pumps and Drivers - 3 PDH

This course covers the operation of pumps used in water supply systems. It also covers the motors, engines, and accessories (together called pump drivers) that provide the mechanical source of energy to pumps. Velocity pumps and positive-displacement …


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Foundations In Areas of Significant Frost Penetration - 3 PDH

Areas of significant frost penetration may be defined as those in which freezing temperatures occur in the ground to sufficient depth to be a significant factor in foundation design. These areas may be further characterized as seasonal frost and …


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Makeup Water Industrial Water - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to makeup water for Industrial water systems. Many installations use fresh water and, often, potable water. Makeup water, often referred to as “makeup,” is fresh water that is added to an industrial water system to …


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Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste - 3 PDH

There is a significant amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste developed due to construction activities and structure demolition, for example, at some installations, construction and demolition waste accounts for up to 80 percent of the solid …


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Carbon Adsorption for Waste Treatment - 3 PDH

This course discusses waste treatment using, primarily, activated carbon. Both liquid and vapor phase adsorption are discussed. Adsorption technologies may be applicable to treatment of both sanitary and industrial waste streams.


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