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Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements - 3 PDH

Procedures and criteria described here are applicable to the design and construction of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavement (RCCP). Roller-compacted concrete pavement employs a concrete paving technology that involves laydown and compaction of a zero-slump concrete mixture using equipment similar to that used in placement and compaction of asphaltic concrete pavement. By using these construction techniques, the potential exists to save one-third or more of the cost of conventional concrete pavement. Although the concept and technology behind RCCP is relatively new, RCCP has already proven itself cost-effective in projects including log-sorting yards, port facilities, heavy equipment parking areas, tank trails, and haul roads.

Price: No additional charge

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Manufacturer: Guyer

Course Outline

1. Application

2. General

3. Subgrade and base course preparation

4. Selection of materials

5. Mixture proportioning

6. Thickness design

7. Test section

8. Batching, mixing, and transporting

9. Placing

10. Compaction

11. Cold joints

12. Curing

13. Quality control/assurance

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will:

  • Learn about base and subgrade preparation;

  • Learn how to select pavement materials;

  • Learn about mixture proportioning;

  • Learn about pavement thickness design;

  • Learn about mixture proportioning, batching, mixing and transporting of materials;

  • Learn about pavement placing techniques and requirements;

  • Learn about compaction requirements;

  • Learn about cold joints, curing, and overall quality control.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for civil and highway engineers and other design and construction professionals wanting an introduction to the technologies, equipment and construction practices for roller-compacted portland cement concrete pavements.

Benefit for Attendee

This course will give engineers and others an introduction to the materials, methods, delivery and placement of roller-compacted portland cement concrete pavements.

Course Introduction

This is an introduction to the materials and methods to be used to proportion, mix, transport, place and maintain quality control for roller-compacted concrete pavements

Course Summary

This course will give you professional tools that will allow you to address roller-compacted concrete pavement issues in design and construction.


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