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Structural Engineering

Cathodic Protection Principles - 5 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to the principles of cathodic protection for underground and underwater structures. You will be introduced to the physics and chemistry of the corrosion process and how to mitigate the corrosion using …


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Asphalt Concrete Pavement Recycling - 3 PDH

This publication contains guidance for preparing plans and specifications and for ensuring the quality of recycled bituminous concrete. In addition, this publication provides useful information to design engineers, laboratory personnel, and inspectors …


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Hydroelectric Power Plant Structures - 3 PDH

The course discusses location, configuration and design considerations for hydroelectric powerhouses. The factors affecting the location include: Location of the spillway (when powerhouse is located adjacent to the dam). Location of navigation locks (on …


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Air Traffic Control Facilities - 3 PDH

This publication provides an introduction to the planning and design of air traffic control facilities, such as would be required at airports and airfields. Building-types discussed are the Terminal Radar Approach Control Facility, Area Control and …


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Bearing Capacity Analysis - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to methods for analysis of soils and rock to determine load bearing capacity. Stresses transmitted by a foundation to underlying soils must not cause bearing-capacity failure or excessive foundation settlement. The design …


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Petroleum Atmospheric Tanks - 5 PDH

This course provides guidance for the design of atmospheric storage tanks for storage of petroleum fuels. Underground and aboveground tanks in both horizontal and vertical configuration are discussed.


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Tropical Engineering: Mechanical, Electrical, Miscellaneous - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to special considerations in design of plumbing, HVAC, electrical distribution and miscellaneous features and systems in tropical climates where high humidity, heat, heavy rain and seafront conditions are common.


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Interior Electrical Distribution Systems - 3 PDH

This publication provides an introduction to interior electrical distribution systems for buildings and related infrastructure. Topics covered include transformers, service entrances, switchgear, switchboards, panelboards, motor controls and motor …


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Planning Solar Water Heating Systems - 3 PDH

This course provides guidance for the planning of active solar energy systems to preheat domestic and service water. The systems treated by this publication are liquid based. Guidelines apply to the larger commercial-scale applications that require an …


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Constructing Maintaining Cathodic Protection - 3 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to the principles of cathodic protection for underground and underwater structures. You will be introduced to the physics and chemistry of the corrosion process and how to mitigate the corrosion using …


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Drainage Pipe Strength, Cover, and Bedding - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to drainage pipe strength, cover and bedding. A drainage pipe is defined as a structure (other than a bridge) to convey water through a trench or under a fill or some other obstruction. Materials for permanent-type …


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OSHA: Fatalities from Improper Work Practices - 4 PDH

This course is based on case studies taken from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “Fatal Facts” —descriptions of accidents in which one or more workers died because of improper work practices. Reading and thinking about these case …


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