Civil Engineering
Water Treatment - 5 PDH
This course will provide an introduction to water treatment processes and technology. You will be introduced to factors to consider in selecting water treatment processes, preliminary treatment, aeration, coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation …
Water Systems Pumps and Drivers - 3 PDH
This course covers the operation of pumps used in water supply systems. It also covers the motors, engines, and accessories (together called pump drivers) that provide the mechanical source of energy to pumps. Velocity pumps and positive-displacement …
Water System Pumps Operation and Maintenance - 3 PDH
This course covers the operation and maintenance of pumps used in water supply and treatment facilities. It also covers the motors, engines, and accessories (together called pump drivers) that provide the mechanical source of energy to pumps.
Water Supply Systems Operation and Maintenance - 3 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to maintenance inspections and general maintenance services required at domestic water supply systems. It contains information about tools and equipment, lubricants, and materials and supplies required to perform …
Water Supply Systems - 5 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to maintenance inspections and general maintenance services required at domestic water supply systems. It contains information about tools and equipment, lubricants, and materials and supplies required to perform …
Water Distribution System Appurtenances - 3 PDH
This publication contains guidance for the operation and maintenance of various types of water distribution system appurtenances. Discussed are valves and hydrants; flow, pressure and level sensors; transmission systems; indicators, registers and …
Water Desalination - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to water desalination technologies, processes and methods. You will learn the importance of site and water source selection. You will be introduced to an approach for selecting the appropriate desalination technology and …
Waste Treatment Carbon Adsorption Applications - 3 PDH
This course discusses waste treatment using, primarily, activated carbon. Both liquid and vapor phase adsorption are discussed. Adsorption technologies may be applicable to treatment of both sanitary and industrial waste streams.
Valve Fundamentals - 4 PDH
Valves are widely used in fluid piping systems to shut off or throttle flow, as well as to prevent backflow, reduce pressure or relieve pressure. This course provides information about the basic components of a valve and their function. There is also …
Uniform Open Channel Flow and The Manning Equation -2 PDH
Flow of a liquid may take place either as open channel flow or pressure flow. Pressure flow takes place in a closed conduit such as a pipe, and pressure is the primary driving force for the flow. For open channel flow, on the other hand the flowing liquid …
Tropical Engineering: Mechanical, Electrical, Miscellaneous - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to special considerations in design of plumbing, HVAC, electrical distribution and miscellaneous features and systems in tropical climates where high humidity, heat, heavy rain and seafront conditions are common.
Tropical Engineering: Building Envelope - 3 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to design of building envelopes in tropical climates where heat and humidity are important considerations. Discussed are roofing, wall materials, windows, doors, finishes and miscellaneous specialties.
Tropical Engineering Concrete, Wood, Metals - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to the application of concrete, wood and metal materials and products in construction for tropical climates where humidity, weather and seafront locations are considerations. Concrete materials, reinforcement, …
Trickling Filter Wastewater Treatment Plants - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to trickling filter wastewater treatment plants. Trickling filter plants have been justified by their low initial cost, low operating and maintenance costs, and relative simplicity of operation. Although the effluent …
Treated Water Storage - 4 PDH
This course provides an introduction to design criteria for treated water storage requirements at facilities, gives typical design analyses for elevated tanks, standpipes, and reservoirs, and provides guidance on the procedures to be followed in selecting …
Structural Design Criteria for Buildings - 3 PDH
This course introduces you to structural design criteria for the design of buildings. Included is technical guidance for buildings constructed of concrete, masonry, steel and wood. Criteria are also included for pre-engineered metal buildings, slabs on …
Structural Aluminum Performance-Based Design - 4 PDH
The core concept discussed in this document presents a broad overview of Performance-Based Structural Aluminum design employing various aluminum grades and aluminum alloys.
Stream Restoration - 7 PDH
A natural stream channel remains stable over a wide range of flows, typically accumulating sediment during low flow periods and carrying sediment downstream during high flow periods. Changes to the channel, vegetation, floodplain, flow or sediment supply …
Stormwater Drainage and Site Development - 3 PDH
This publication provides an introduction to stormwater drainage systems and improvements for land development projects, and strategies and considerations in site development.
Steel Bridge Maintenance - 3 PDH
This course discusses steel bridge maintenance and repair. Preventive maintenance of steel bridge components consists mainly of measures to protect the steel from corrosion. When deicing salt is added to the electrolyte, there is a dramatic increase in …
Steam Generators - 3 PDH
This course addresses the design requirements for gas, oil, coal, and waste fuel fired steam generating, water-tube boilers and components with steam capacities between 20,000 and 250,000 pph and maximum pressures of 450 pounds per inch gauge …
Spread Footings And Mat Foundations - 3 PDH
This course provides an introduction to the design of spread footings and mat foundations for buildings and other structures such as towers. When required footings cover more than half the area beneath a structure, it is often desirable to enlarge and …
Soils: Identification and Classification - 4 PDH
This course will introduce you to the principles and practices of identification and classification of soil and rock. Identification and classification are the essential first steps in soil mechanics and engineering, and engineering of foundations for …
Soil Stabilization Portland Cement - 3 PDH
This course discusses how portland cement can be used either to modify or improve the quality of the soil or to transform the soil into a cemented mass with increased strength and durability. The amount of cement used will depend upon whether the soil is …
Soil Stabilization for Pavements - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to accepted methods for stabilizing soils underlying new pavements to improve strength and durability. You will also learn about methods to achieve better soil gradation, and reduction of plasticity index or swelling …
Soil Stabilization Construction Procedures - 3 PDH
This is an introduction to the factors to consider in inspecting and repairing steel bridges. This course will help you to address a variety of bridge inspection situations that may be encountered. This course provides an introduction to construction …
Soil Grouting - 3 PDH
Grouting is a widely used method for strengthening and sealing rock, soil and concrete. The possibilities for sealing structures are of great importance from both an economic and environmental point of view. The cost of grouting has in certain projects …
Small Flow Waste Treatment Systems - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to small flow waste treatment systems such as septic tanks, waterless toilets, filtration and reuse systems, Imhoff tanks, and packaged treatment plants. You will learn about subsurface absorption and how to conduct …
Sludge Handling, Treatment and Disposal - 5 PDH
This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for handling, treating and disposing of sludge produced by wastewater treatment plants. You will learn about sludge pumping, thickening, conditioning, dewatering, digestion, storage and final …
Slope Stability Analysis - 3 PDH
This course is concerned with characteristics and critical aspects of the stability of excavation slopes; methods of designing slopes, including field observations and experience, slope stability charts, and detailed analyses; factors of safety; and …
Situ Treatment of Hazardous Soil - 3PDH
This discussion course discussions methods and technologies for treatment of contaminated soil in situ (without substantive excavation of the soil).
Sharp-Crested Weirs: Open Channel Flow Measurement - 2 PDH
A weir is basically an obstruction in an open channel flow path. Weirs are commonly used for measurement of open channel flow rate. A weir functions by causing water to rise above the obstruction in order to flow over it. The height of water above the …
Settlement and Volume Expansion in Soils -5 PDH
This course concerns (a) immediate settlements, (b) long-term settlements, (c) rate of settlement, (d) criteria for tolerable settlement, (e) methods of reducing or accelerating settlements for saturated fine-grained soils and (f) methods for controlling …
Seepage and Drainage - 7 PDH
This course covers surface erosion, and analysis of flow quantity and groundwater pressures associated with underseepage. Requirements are given for methods of drainage and pressure relief. Control of soil erosion must be considered in all new …
Security Fences - 3 PDH
This course applies to all construction, renovation, and repair projects including temporary construction that includes security fencing and gates. Security fences and gates are installed and used primarily to define the perimeter of protected areas, such …
Secondary Wastewater Treatment - 5 PDH
Wastewater treatment is usually characterized as consisting of four sequential processes: preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for secondary treatment of wastewater. You will be …
Sanitary Landfills - 3 PDH
This is an introduction to the planning and design of sanitary landfills. You will learn about dry and wet landfills, site selection, site development plans, site layout, trench design, leachate control and treatment, gas control, runoff control, support …
Sacrificial Anode Cathodic - 3 PDH
This course will provide you with an introduction to the methods, equipment and practices for design and operation of sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems.
Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements - 3 PDH
Procedures and criteria described here are applicable to the design and construction of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) pavement (RCCP). Roller-compacted concrete pavement employs a concrete paving technology that involves laydown and compaction of a …
Rock Mass Characterization - 3 PDH
This course provides guidance in the description and engineering classification of intact rock and rock masses, the types, applications and analyses of rock property tests, the evaluation of intact rock and rock mass properties, and the selection of …
Rigid Pavement Design - 3 PDH
This is an introduction to rigid pavement design. It is a basic treatment that will introduce designers to some important principles and terminology. In simple applications on real projects the information provided will give designers a good start in …
Retrofit and Repair of Reinforced Concrete Walls with Fiber-Reinforced Polymers - 2 PDH
This course explores how FRP can improve structural resilience, increase safety in seismic zones, and reduce long-term maintenance costs.
Retaining Walls And Excavation Support Systems - 3 PDH
Retaining walls must be designed so that foundation pressures do not exceed allowable bearing pressures, wall settlements are tolerable, safety factors against sliding and overturning are adequate, and the wall possesses adequate structural strength. …
Recycling Construction and Demolition Waste - 3 PDH
There is a significant amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste developed due to construction activities and structure demolition, for example, at some installations, construction and demolition waste accounts for up to 80 percent of the solid …
Primary Wastewater Treatment - 3 PDH
Wastewater treatment is usually characterized as consisting of four sequential processes: preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment. This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for primary treatment of wastewater. You will be …
Preliminary Wastewater Treatment - 3 PDH
This course will introduce you to processes and equipment for preliminary treatment of wastewater. You will be introduced to descriptions, functions and design considerations for bar screens, comminuting devices, grit chambers, proportional weirs, …
Pavement Overlays - 3 PDH
Normally, overlays of existing pavements are used to increase the load-carrying capacity of an existing pavement or to correct a defective surface condition on the existing pavement. Of these reasons, the first requires a structural design procedure for …
Pavement Design in Seasonal Frost Conditions - 5 PDH
This publication presents criteria and procedures for the design and construction of pavements placed on subgrade or base course materials subject to seasonal frost action. The most prevalent modes of distress in pavements and their causes are listed. The …