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Course 3 LNG Thermodynamics 1 4 PDH

Texas Compliance Pending. This Part 1 course introduces the learner to natural gas’s origins and the production of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LNG is widely used around the world. It is a very compact form of natural gas in liquid form. It is used on very cold days to supplement gas coming from the interstate pipelines to supply gas load centers like New York, Boston, and other major load areas.
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Course 3 What Every Energy Engineer Needs to Know About LNG Thermodynamics and Liquefaction Systems Part 1

Price: No additional charge

Manufacturer: Vitale


Texas requires a class be reviewed by enough students to assign earned CPE credits.  This course is still new enough that we are obtaining the reviews needed.   We recommend Texas CPAs check back soon. This process is usually finished within a few weeks.

This learning is given in 3 parts.

  • Part 1 is based on understanding thermodynamic concepts and the use of pressure enthalpy charts.
  • Part 2 builds onto part 1 but uses thermodynamic software instead of pressure enthalpy charts for analysis and goes into additional depth.
  • Part 3 builds on parts 1 and 2 to apply thermodynamics to understand air conditioning and refrigeration systems from ¼ hp size units to 300,000 hp size units.

This Part 1 course introduces the learner to natural gas’s origins and the production of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). LNG is widely used around the world. It is a very compact form of natural gas in liquid form. It is used on very cold days to supplement gas coming from the interstate pipelines to supply gas load centers like New York, Boston, and other major load areas. Natural gas (which is essentially the same as vaporized LNG) is the cleanest burning fossil fuel as it contains the least amount of carbon of all the fossil fuels. Thus, many electric power plants now use natural gas or are converting from dirtier fossil fuels to the use of natural gas or vaporized LNG. Upon completion of Part 1 course, the learner should, at a high level, be able to understand:

  • Thermodynamic terms and definitions
  • What is natural gas and liquefied natural gas
  • Conservation of mass
  • Conservation of energy (first law of thermodynamics)
  • How to read a pressure enthalpy diagram
  • How to mathematically solve thermodynamic processes using a pressure enthalpy diagram
  • How to solve typical processes such as:
    • Constant pressure heat gain process
    • Constant pressure heat loss process
    • Constant enthalpy pressure reduction
    • Constant entropy pressure reduction
    • Compressor efficiency applications
    • Expander/turbine efficiency applications
    • Multi-flow path heat exchanger applications


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