Introduction to Fire Rated Glazing - 4 CPE
The core concept discussed herein presents a broad overview of the use of glazing materials in design and construction.

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The core concept discussed herein presents a broad overview of the use of glazing materials in design and construction.
Course Description
- The course is about fire-rated, fire-resistive glazing materials, component systems, and assemblies. Included are provisions for separation of adjacent spaces and structures.
- This information supports determination of the requisite measure of protection against temperature rise accompanied by flame and smoke migration.
- Included in the presentation are new advanced materials for windows with special emphasis on fire resistance, heat rise, and transparency.
- Experience and skill, especially a working knowledge of project specifications is a proper foundation for further development. This course, in addition to being a professional education document, is prepared as a fluid, thorough, handy reference for inclusion into any architect or engineer’s “tool box” of reference materials.
Learning Objectives and Intended Audience:
- Incorporate latest technological advances in glass production and use. Include document among available Continuing Education publications.
- Practicing Architects and Engineers in particular; State Licensing Boards in general.
- The design of this document is set up so that the professional practitioner may use it as a quick reference guide when working with fire rated glazing.