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Course 5 LNG Thermodynamics Part 3A - 2 PDH

This course introduces learners to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) production processes. LNG is widely used around the world. It is a very compact form of natural gas in liquid form. It is used on very cold days to supplement gas from the interstate pipelines …


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Course 6 LNG Thermodynamics 3B - 2 PDH

In the earlier courses, the basics of thermodynamics were covered and applied to a single-component (pure substance) refrigerant system. The car air conditioner was used as a basis for understanding the vapor compression, pressure let down, and …


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Dam Arch Foundation Investigation - 3 PDH

Foundation investigations for arch dams generally must be accomplished in more exacting detail than for other dam types because of the critical relationship of the dam to its foundation and to its abutments. This course discusses the procedures which are …


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Dam Arch Manual Design Layout - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to a methodology for manual layout of concrete arch dams. In practice layout of concrete arch dams is, of course, a computerized process, but understanding an approach to manual layout will be an excellent way to gain an …


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Deep Foundations - 3 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to deep foundations. A deep foundation derives its support from competent strata at significant depths below the surface or, alternatively, has a depth to diameter ratio greater than 4. A deep foundation …


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Design of Dewatering Systems - 3 PDH

This course discusses design of a watering and pressure relief or groundwater control system. To do this first requires determination of the type of groundwater flow (artesian, gravity, or combined) to be expected and of the type of system that will be …


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Design of Industrial Ventilation Systems - 3 PDH

This course is an introduction to the design of industrial ventilation systems. You will be introduced to general design criteria, controls, operational considerations and commissioning. You will also be provided with a more detailed discussion of two of …


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Design of Solar Water Heating Systems - 3 PDH

This course presents the information required to design a solar energy water heating system, after planning and system selection have been completed.


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Designing Fire & EMS Stations A Comprehensive Guide - 11 PDH

This course dives into the critical aspects of designing fire and EMS stations that prioritize safety, health, and operational efficiency. From station layout and site selection to ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.


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Distribution of Stresses in Soil - 3 PDH

This course covers the analysis of stress conditions at a point, stresses beneath structures and embankments, and empirical methods for estimating loads on buried pipes, conduits, shafts, and tunnels.


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Domestic Wastewater Treatment - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to the basics of domestic wastewater treatment. You will learn about preliminary measures, pretreatment, primary, secondary and advanced treatment processes, and sludge treatment and disposal. Approximate performance data …


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Domestic Wastewater Treatment: EPA Overview - 3 PDH

The 1972 legislation known as the Clean Water Act set secondary treatment as the required level of treatment to be provided by domestic wastewater treatment plants in the United States. In this course you can learn about the basic processes used in …


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Drainage Pipe Strength, Cover, and Bedding - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to drainage pipe strength, cover and bedding. A drainage pipe is defined as a structure (other than a bridge) to convey water through a trench or under a fill or some other obstruction. Materials for permanent-type …


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Earthquake Resilience Benefit-Cost Analysis for Building Design and Retrofit - 2 PDH

This course is ideal for engineers, architects, building owners, policymakers, and disaster preparedness professionals interested in improving the earthquake resilience of buildings.


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Earthwork for Foundations - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to earthwork for foundations. In general, excavation for subsurface structures will consist of open excavation and shaft and tunnel excavation. Where excavation to great depths is required, a variety of soils and rock …


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Effects of Weathering on the Properties of Vinyl Siding - 4 PDH

This course equips building professionals with the knowledge to optimize the longevity and safety of exterior building materials.


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Electric Power Requirements for Buildings - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to an approach you can use to determine electric power requirements for buildings and multi-building developments and activities. You will learn about terminology, and acquisition and analysis of preliminary load data you …


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Electrical Safety Aerial - 3 PDH

This course includes specific requirements for poles and structures, pole-mounted equipment, and aerial lines. Requirements addressed include pole handling and erection, climbing and working on poles, stringing of lines, working around pole-mounted …


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Electrical Safety Substations - 3 PDH

This course provides an introduction to electrical safety when working around substations and switchgear. A substation provides a protected area for switching power circuits and may include transforming power from one voltage to another. For the purposes …


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Electrical Safety Underground - 3 PDH

This course provides electrical safety guidance when working with underground electrical systems and low voltage interior systems. It applies to underground work in manholes, vaults, and handholes; work on duct lines, trenches, and underground cables; …


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Electrical Systems for Medical Facilities - 5 PDH

This course will introduce you to electrical systems for medical facilities, including hospitals, medical and dental clinics, and medical and dental laboratories. You will learn about general electrical requirements, exterior electrical systems, alternate …


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Embodied Carbon and Resilient Building Design A Comprehensive Overview - 3.5 PDH

The course will provide a comprehensive understanding of embodied carbon and its significance in building design and construction. It begins with an introduction to the concept of embodied carbon, focusing on its importance in minimizing the environmental …


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Energy Efficient HVAC Controls - 3 PDH

This course covers automatic temperature and humidity controls, space pressurization controls, safety controls, and energy monitoring and central supervisory control systems for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The control system …


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Engineering Ethics Case Study: The Challenger Disaster - 3 PDH

This course provides instruction in engineering ethics through a case study of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. The course begins by presenting the minimum technical details needed to understand the physical cause of the Shuttle failure. The …


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Engineering Properties of Soil and Rock - 5 PDH

This course will introduce you to the engineering properties of soil and rock. You will learn how the properties of compaction, permeability, consolidation-swell, shear strength, stress-strain modulus (modulus of elasticity), and Poisson’s ratio are …


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Ethical Issues from the Kansas City Hyatt Hotel Collapse - 3 PDH

This course will examine the ethical issues that arose from the 1981 collapse of atrium lobby walkways at the newly constructed Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. This tragic incident resulted in the loss of 114 lives and 200 injuries and is …


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Ethical Issues from the St. Francis Dam Failure - 3 PDH

This course will examine the ethical issues that arose from the 1928 failure of the St. Francis Dam near Los Angeles, California. Near midnight on March 12 of that year the 195-feet high concrete arch dam collapsed catastrophically, releasing 12 billion …


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Ethical Issues in Design-Build - 3 PDH

The widespread growth of “design-build” presents ethical issues for engineers and architects. If these issues are not addressed it is likely public reaction to abuses the process invites will result in the loss of design-build as a construction delivery …


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Ethical Issues: The Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse - 3 PDH

This course will examine the ethical issues that arose from the 1940 collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge in Washington state. This was one of the most dramatic bridge collapses in history, with fortunately no loss of life and little property damage …


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Ethics in Professional Practice - 2 PDH

Many engineering organizations have drafted codes of ethics to which their members are required to commit. Generally, these codes are quite similar and are based on a few fundamental principles which provide guidance to professional engineers in common …


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Ethics, Professionalism, and Disciplinary Actions: 1 PDH

The ten case studies given below are taken from actual disciplinary-action documents of a state licensing board for professional engineers and other related professionals. Even though the cases come from a single state board, they are intended to be …


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FHWA Bridge Inspection Fundamentals - 6 PDH

The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is a comprehensive manual on programs, procedures, and techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service highway bridges. BIRM serves as the basis of a …


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FHWA Bridge Inspection Reporting - 5 PDH

The Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Inspector’s Reference Manual (BIRM) is a comprehensive manual on programs, procedures, and techniques for inspecting and evaluating a variety of in-service highway bridges. BIRM serves as the basis of a …


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Field Explorations for Foundations - 3 PDH

Field explorations of existing soil and rock conditions are essential before undertaking design of foundations for buildings and structures. This course introduces you to investigational programs for surface examination including documentary evidence, …


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Fire Protection Engineering for Buildings - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to fire protection engineering fundamentals related to building materials and design, water supply for fire protection, fire extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems, special occupancies and hazards, and storage of …


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Fire Resilience in Steel-Concrete Structures Part I Insights from Full-Scale Testing - 10 PDH

This course empowers engineers and construction professionals to apply advanced fire resilience principles, design for structural integrity under fire exposure, and integrate performance-based fire protection strategies.


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Fire Resilience in Steel-Concrete Structures Part II Advanced Solutions - 5 PDH

This course examines groundbreaking full-scale experimental evaluations, exploring the influence of slab reinforcement and other critical factors on fire-induced performance.


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Fire Suppression ITM - 3 PDH

This course will introduce you to best practices for inspection, testing and maintenance of fire detection, alarm and suppression systems to assure reliable and effective operation in emergency situations. You will be introduced to the principles of …


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Flexible Pavement Design - 3 PDH

This is an introduction to flexible pavement design. It is a basic treatment that will introduce designers to some important principles and terminology. In simple applications on real projects the information provided will give designers a good start in …


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Flow Measurements in Pipes and Ducts - 3 PDH

This course is about measurement of the flow rate of a fluid flowing under pressure in a closed conduit. The closed conduit is often circular, but also may be square or rectangular (such as a heating duct) or any other shape. The other major category of …


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Foundations In Areas of Significant Frost Penetration - 3 PDH

Areas of significant frost penetration may be defined as those in which freezing temperatures occur in the ground to sufficient depth to be a significant factor in foundation design. These areas may be further characterized as seasonal frost and …


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Foundations on Fill and Backfilling - 3 PDH

Foundations may be constructed on fills and backfilled material. Fills may include conventional compacted fills; hydraulic fills; and uncontrolled fills of soils or industrial and domestic wastes, such as ashes, slag, chemical wastes, building rubble, and …


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Fuel Cells Green Power - 3 PDH

Fuel cells are not just laboratory curiosities. While there is much work that needs to be done to optimize the fuel cell system (remember, the gasoline internal combustion engine is nearly 120 years old and still being improved), hydrogen fuel cell …


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Gas Distribution - 3 PDH

This course contains instructions and engineering information relating to gas distribution pipe systems, including pressure regulators, valves, meters, and other necessary appurtenances, for the distribution of fuel gas, natural and manufactured, from the …


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Geometrics for Roads and Streets - 3 PDH

This courses discusses the geometric design criteria for roads and streets. It sets forth the approaches and traffic flow criteria for guidance in determining types and configurations best suited for construction.


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Geotextiles in Pavement and Drainage Applications - 2 PDH

This course will introduce you to geotextiles made from polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene, polyamide (nylon), polyvinylidene chloride, and fiberglass. You will learn about their physical properties, functions, and design methods. You will also learn …


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Heating and Cooling Distribution Systems - 3 PDH

This is an introduction to the design of heating and cooling distribution systems outside of buildings. It provides information about system selection, distribution media selection, and general distribution system design. Discussed are distribution …


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Heating and Cooling of Agitated Liquid Batches - 3 PDH

The course developed the derivation of the heating and cooling application equations, along with simplifying assumptions. Two examples were given: heating in a jacketed agitated vessel, and cooling with a submerged coil in an agitated tank. The physical …


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