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Lightning Static Electricity Protection - 3 PDH

This publication provides technical guidance and design requirements for static electricity protection, and lightning protection systems and related grounding for facilities and other structures. The information provided here may be utilized by electrical engineers in the development of the plans, specifications and calculations, and may serve as the minimum electrical design requirements. Project conditions may dictate the need for a design that exceeds these minimum requirements.
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Lightning Static Electricity Protection - 3 PDH Engineering Continuing Education PDH

Price: No additional charge

Manufacturer: Guyer

This publication provides technical guidance and design requirements for static electricity protection, and lightning protection systems and related grounding for facilities and other structures. The information provided here may be utilized by electrical engineers in the development of the plans, specifications and calculations, and may serve as the minimum electrical design requirements. Project conditions may dictate the need for a design that exceeds these minimum requirements.

Course Outline




Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will: Learn about key codes and standards; Learn about static grounding and bonding requirements; Find out about the importance of connections;

  • Learn the special considerations for static bus bars;
  • Find out how to employ ground grab bars;
  • Learn the special factors to consider at petroleum oil lubricant (POL) facilities;
  • Learn design considerations at aircraft hangars;
  • and Learn how to determine the requirements for lightning protection (LPS) systems.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for electrical engineers and other professional engineers and construction managers wanting an introduction to lightning and static electricity protection systems. Benefit for Attendee This course will give professional engineers and others an introduction to static electricity and lightning protection systems design. Course Introduction This is an introduction to the characteristics, operation and maintenance methods of lightning and static electricity protection. Course Summary After completion of this course you will be prepared to address design, operational and maintenance issues associated with lightning and static electricity protection systems design for buildings and other infrastructure.


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