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Adsorptions Applications Limitations - 3 PDH

This course provides practical guidance for the design of liquid and vapor phase devices for the adsorption of organic chemicals. The adsorptive media addressed include granular activated carbon (GAC) and other alternative adsorption carbon media, such as powdered activated carbon (PAC) and non-carbon adsorbents.
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Rating: 3/5

Price: No additional charge

Manufacturer: Guyer

This course provides practical guidance for the design of liquid and vapor phase devices for the adsorption of organic chemicals. The adsorptive media addressed include granular activated carbon (GAC) and other alternative adsorption carbon media, such as powdered activated carbon (PAC) and non-carbon adsorbents.

Course Outline



Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will:

* Learn when larger molecules adsorb better than smaller molecules.

* Learn how non-polar molecules adsorb better than polar molecules;

* Learn which chemicals are most susceptible to adsorption technology;

* Learn about the different types of activated carbon available commercially;

* Learn the regeneration process for activated carbon;

* Learn about typical operating parameters for activated carbon processes; and

* Learn the importance of backwashing in activated arbon processes.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for civil, environmental and sanitary engineers and other design and construction professionals wanting to learn about applications and limitations of activated carbon processes.

Benefit for Attendee

This course will give environmental and civil engineers and other design and construction professionals an introduction to the design, construction and process control considerations for activated carbon treatment of liquid and vapor phase wastes.

Course Introduction

This is an introduction to the limitations and applications of activated carbon waste treatment processes.

Course Summary

This course will give you technical guidance you can apply when addressing waste treatment using activated carbon processes.


Tuesday, 18 March 2025
Good overview, but scant guidance on calculations. A few formulae were provided, but the input parameters were poorly defined, making them confusing. Document needs another round of editing for formatting and organization - the sections headings were sometimes confusing or buried inside body text.
Andrew H. Campbell

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