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Theatres Vol. 2 - 3 PDH

This publication provides an introduction to certain aspects of the architectural design of theatres and concert halls. This volume discusses accessory equipment. Topics discussed include general considerations, classification of accessory facilities, vision-related accessories and hearing related accessories. This publication is one of four in this series dealing with different aspects of the architectural design of concert halls and theatres.

Price: No additional charge

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Manufacturer: Guyer


Course Description

This publication provides an introduction to certain aspects of the architectural design of theatres and concert halls. This volume discusses accessory equipment. Topics discussed include general considerations, classification of accessory facilities, vision-related accessories and hearing related accessories. This publication is one of four in this series dealing with different aspects of the architectural design of concert halls and theatres.

Course Outline






Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will:

    • Learn the general considerations for non-frontal Rooms;

    • Learn the classifications of vision accessories;

    • Learn about stagehouse and proscenium lighting;

    • Learn the fundamentals of forestage lighting;

    • Learn how to employ following spots;

    • Learn the special needs of touring companies;

    • Learn the purpose of masks, screens and closures;

    • Learn about the requirements for fire curtains;

    • Learn the special requirements for filming and broadcasting; and

    • Learn about sound source positioning.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for architects and engineers wanting an introduction to certain aspects of architectural design of concert halls and theatres.

Benefit for Attendee

This course will give architects and engineers an introduction to accessory equipment considerations in theatre and concert hall design.

Course Introduction

This course provides architectural design guidance for music and drama rooms in theatres and concert halls.

Course Summary

This course will give you professional tools that will help you address accessory equipment considerations in concert hall and theatre design.


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I chose your company because of the price, and I'm certainly happy with that!  I am thankful that there is Continuing Education that is so affordable.  Thanks for responding!
Wow, an email from a real person and not a pre-written response.  That is very refreshing.  I will be sure to recommend this site to others in my field!
Thank you for your quick response.  I can take unlimited courses for up to one year?  That means I can apply some of the courses for this year’s  deadline, and take additional courses after that toward my next period deadline!
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