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Cathodic Protection Maintenance - 3 PDH

This course will provide you with an introduction to the methods, equipment and practices for inspection and maintenance of cathodic protection systems. Both galvanic (sacrificial anode) and impressed current systems are discussed.

Price: No additional charge

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Manufacturer: Guyer

Course Description

This course will provide you with an introduction to the methods, equipment and practices for inspection and maintenance of cathodic protection systems. Both galvanic (sacrificial anode) and impressed current systems are discussed.

Course Outline



Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will:

    • Learn about close-interval corrosion surveys;

    • Learn how to take corrosion survey potential measurements;

    • Learn the importance of water tank calibrations;

    • Find out about recommended over-the-anode intervals for impressed current anode bed surveys;

    • Learn about impressed current system checks;

    • Learn about resistance bond checks; and

    • Learn about anode bed inspection and testing for impressed current cathodic protection systems..

Intended Audience

This course is intended for civil engineers, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and other design and construction professionals wanting an introduction to the principles of inspection, testing and maintenance of cathodic protection systems.

Benefit for Attendee

This course will give professional engineers and others an introduction to the principles and practices that are the basis of corrosion protection system maintenance.

Course Introduction

This is an introduction to cathodic protection maintenance techniques for galvanic and impressed current systems.

Course Summary

This course will give you an introduction to principles of cathodic protection systems inspection, testing and maintenance.


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