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Water Distribution System Appurtenances - 3 PDH

This publication contains guidance for the operation and maintenance of various types of water distribution system appurtenances. Discussed are valves and hydrants; flow, pressure and level sensors; transmission systems; indicators, registers and recorders; water meters, weirs and flumes; and backflow devices.
Rating: 3/5

Price: No additional charge

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Manufacturer: Guyer

Course Outline




Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course you will:

  • Learn recommended operation and maintenance procedures and schedules for valves and fire hydrants;

  • Learn about recommended operation and maintenance procedures and schedules for flow, pressure and level sensors;

  • Learn the recommended operation and maintenance procedures and schedules for data transmission systems;

  • Learn recommended operation and maintenance procedures and schedules for flow indicators, registers and recorders;

  • Learn about recommended operation and maintenance procedures and schedules for water meters and other flow measuring devices;

  • Learn the recommended operation and maintenance procedures and schedules for cross-connection control devices; and

Learn about inspection of backflow devices. 

Intended Audience


This course is intended for civil engineers and other design and construction professionals wanting an introduction to best practices for operation and maintenance of water distribution system appurtenances,


Benefit for Attendee


This course will give civil engineers and others an introduction to the procedures and recommended schedules for devices and appurtenances in water distribution systems.


Course Introduction


This is an introduction to the operation and maintenance of water distribution systems.


Course Summary


After completion of this course you will be prepared to begin operation and maintenance of water distribution systems.



Monday, 21 October 2019
Great overview of maintenance required for various types of valves. The tables provided could be very useful to a plant operator, the descriptions of valve parts, reasons for failures and general recommended operations do give engineers a good understanding of how valves are used in the field which can help with placement of hydrants, valves, and other appurtenances.
Ricardo Perez

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