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Geotextiles in Pavement and Drainage Applications - 2 PDH

This course will introduce you to geotextiles made from polypropylene, polyester, polyethylene, polyamide (nylon), polyvinylidene chloride, and fiberglass. You will learn about their physical properties, functions, and design methods. You will also learn about two of their most important uses: applications in pavements and drainage design. This course will give you information about the types, construction, durability, functions and applications of geotextiles, with emphasis on their use in pavement and drainage design. This course will give engineers and others an introduction to geotextiles in general, plus specifics about incorporating them into pavement and drainage structures. This course is intended for engineers and construction professionals who want to learn about the benefits and techniques for incorporating geotextiles into construction applications, including pavement and drainage structures.

Price: No additional charge

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Manufacturer: Guyer
These are the topics you will learn about:

1.1 Scope
1.2 Geotextile Types and Construction
1.3 Geotextile Durability
1.4 Geotextile Functions and Applications
2.1 Applications
2.2 Paved Surface Rehabilitation
2.3 Reflective Crack Treatment for Pavements
2.4 Separation and Reinforcement
2.5 Design for Separation
2.6 Geotextile Survivability
2.7 Design for Reinforcement
3.1 Water Control
3.2 Granular Drain Performance
3.3 Geotextile Characteristics Influencing Filter Functions
3.4 Piping Resistance
3.5 Permeability
3.6 Other Filter Considerations
3.7 Strength Requirements
3.8 Design and Construction Considerations

Learning Objectives
  • Learn about the different types of geotextiles and how they are manufactured

  • Learn the durability, functions and applications of geotextiles

  • Learn about the use of geotextiles in pavement surface rehabilitation and reflective crack treatment

  • Learn about how geotextiles are used for separation and reinforcement in pavement structures

  • Learn the application of geotextiles in construction of drainage structures

  • Learn the geotextile characteristics that influence drainage filter functions


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