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Ethics, Professionalism, and Disciplinary Actions: 1 PDH

The ten case studies given below are taken from actual disciplinary-action documents of a state licensing board for professional engineers and other related professionals. Even though the cases come from a single state board, they are intended to be representative of actions likely to be taken in other states—We have selected the cases with that goal in mind.
Rating: 4/5

Price: No additional charge

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Manufacturer: Rossow


This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:

  • format of enforcement decrees issued by a state licensing board;

  • ten different types of licensing violations;

  • investigative process of the board, as it attempts to determine the validity of complaints brought before it; and

  • types of enforcement action available to the board.

This course is intended primarily for any engineers seeking to deepen their understanding of what constitutes ethical and professional engineering behavior and how such behavior is enforced by a licensing board.

This course includes a true/false and multiple-choice quiz at the end, which is designed to highlight the general concepts of the course material.

This course is based on the document, “Ethics, Professionalism, and Disciplinary Actions: Case Studies” by Mark P. Rossow.


Friday, 15 May 2020
The information provided here with actual cases of what happens in this or that situation are excellent. I also find it interesting that one of the cases was an individual that did not have the necessary information to confirm he had met the continuing education requirement. There may be a hint there.
L. E. Dura
Sunday, 24 March 2019
Pretty good synopsis of some ethical issues to consider when practicing engineering. I have been a licensed engineer for more than 35 years and I learn something new when taking this course. The content was good, but the questions at the end were, in opinion, poor. I expect to learn concepts when reading the ten cases, but do not expect to be quizzed on how much the fines were.
Terry O Brown

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