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Design of Industrial Ventilation Systems - 3 PDH

This course is an introduction to the design of industrial ventilation systems. You will be introduced to general design criteria, controls, operational considerations and commissioning. You will also be provided with a more detailed discussion of two of the more common industrial ventilation applications: wood shop facilities and paint spray booths. You will learn about general and design criteria, design procedures, controls, operational considerations and commissioning. For wood shop facilities and paint spray booths you will learn about operational considerations, floor and equipment layout, safety and health considerations, fans and motors, replacement air, controls, and respiratory protection. This course will give engineers and others an understanding of some of the basic materials, systems, and configuration information needed to beginning addressing industrial ventilation systems for real projects. This is an introduction to the basics you will need to begin designing industrial ventilation systems for facilities such as wood shops and paint spray booths.
Rating: 2/5

Price: No additional charge

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Manufacturer: Guyer

Specific Learning Objectives

  • Learn about the eight steps in the procedure for design of industrial ventilation systems.

  • Learn the importance of replacement air and how to provide it in your design.

  • Learn the basics of plenum design with and without perforated ducts.

  • Learn about the controls needed in basic industrial ventilation systems.

  • Learn the importance of operational considerations such as energy conservation, maintenance, noise and respiratory protection.

  • Learn about designing floor sweeps for wood working facilities.

  • Learn the basic configuration of walk-in downdraft and drive-thru cross draft paint spray booths.


Tuesday, 08 February 2022
Good introductory course for someone getting up to speed with ventilation systems. Good reference to industry standards. Course could have included more details from the referenced standards, it could have provided an explanation for minimum airflows stated, and could also use a proof reading as there were two grammatical errors.
William Cobb
Monday, 07 September 2020
I have used your service for 2 years and have been very pleased with the format and content of the courses I have taken. That is until I took the Design of Industrial Ventilation Systems course. It reads like a draft that never got edited. I realize that technical papers are not meant to keep us on the edge of our seats but the information needs to be useful. As an example; instructing the reader to not specify forward curved fan blades begs the question - Why? There is too much referral to industry standards. General, illustrated design standards with reference to industry accepted design standards would be much more beneficial.

I suggest sending it back through technical writing edit.
Dennis M Knoop

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